Troubleshooting solutions for SimpleMapServer releaserelease 0.707. 03/04/2007 1) I don't get any reply from the map server when I send some openGis request: - be sure that you have extracted the map server files in you web server 'webapps' directory. - be sure that you have configured some GIS layer (see the README.txt). Don't forget that there is a '' package available. - look at the web server logs when it starts, they should be no error during the startup. If there is, verify that your are not in the 2) case. - try the map server status url: 'http://your_host:your_port/simpleMapServer/mapServer?service=status' If you get a reply, the map server runs well. Check that you are not in the 2) case. 2) I don't get a map image, but a ascii text saying 'No MapProducer: init error was....': - look at the error text: If you have this message: 'Error reading layer configuration: no valid data directory found in: xxxxx'; then your configuration of the GIS data folder is wrong: the path xxxxx doesn't exists. Check the 'map_producer_data_path' setting in the 'mapServer.props' file which is in the 'simpleMapServer/WEB-INF/' folder. This setting should point to a valid folder. Or to a ',' separated list of folders. In this folder you should have put some layers sub-folders. 3) I set a layer with a shapeFile and it doesn't work: - Check that: 1) the data contained in the shapefile are in platte-carre projection. 2) you use the '.shp' extension for the shapefile. 3) the '.shx' index file is also in the same folder as the .shp file. 4) I can an error like: 'java.lang.exception: can not find projection:xxxx': - normaly the projection requested is not the platte-carre or orthographic one. - check that the layer you request is defined with the 'projection=data-native-projection-SRS-string' in the 'layer.conf' file. the SRS in your opengis request should match the setting. example of SRS: 'projection=EPSG:32761' .....